An e-book on modeling techniques for Operations Research. Version 0.99, August 2023 A new book on the art of modeling optimization problems. This text is used in the “Optimization and Data Science for Management” course, Master degree in Management Engineering.
Master Thesis Proposals / Information Engineering & Artificial Intelligence, Management Engineering et al.
We have just update a list of available topics for a Master Degree Thesis. Most of the proposals are for a master degree in Computer Science Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics. A few are suitable for management Engineering too. Many more
Machine learning for speech recognition
Possible research topics in ML: – Keyword spotting. – Spoken language detection
A special lesson, today
Today, thanks to an initiative of Marco Sciandrone (thanks Marco, you too are a great professor!), we had a great, great lesson (not a lecture, a lesson). Luisa Stracqualursi, a statistician, came to tell us her recent story. Her story is not
Machine learning for tennis
Analytics has found its place in most sports. This thesis is devoted to analyze some publicly available tennis data and try to extract significant information by means of machine learning. (image credits:
Sparse Deep Neural Network training
We would like to experiments with optimization methods applied to DNN’s in order to obtain a sparse trained network, i.e. a network with a small number of neurons or connections.
Machine learning applied to soccer
On June 10th, 2018, Repubblica has published a short news on an interesting application of Artificial Intelligence to soccer developed in our lab.
A beatiful paper
Global Optimization Laboratory DINFO-Università di Firenze “A BEAUTIFUL PAPER” Cinque relatori scelgono e raccontano cinque articoli, di altri autori, particolarmente significativi nel campo dell’Ottimizzazione e della Ricerca Operativa. Martedì 13 febbraio 2018 Facoltà di Ingegneria –
A new publication from the lab has been published on IEEE Transacions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Lagrangean-Based Combinatorial Optimization for Large-Scale S³VMS Francesco Bagattini; Paola Cappanera; Fabio Schoen IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Year: 2017, Volume: PP, Issue: 99 Pages: 1 – 10 IEEE Early Access Articles
The GOL website is live again!
Thanks to the great skills and committment of our team of PhD students, the GOL website is alive! It was stopped for sme weeks due to a fire accident, but now you are back on line! Thank to all who helped