\(\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb{R}}}\) \(\newcommand{\Z}{{\mathbb{Z}}}\) \(\newcommand{\N}{{\mathbb{N}}}\) \(\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\color{red}{\mathbf{#1}}}}\) \(\newcommand{\param}[1]{{\color{blue}{#1}}}\) \(\newcommand{\mathsc}[1]{{\normalfont\textsc{#1}}}\) \(\def\sc#1{\dosc#1\csod}\) \(\def\dosc#1#2\csod{{\rm{#1{\rm\small #2}}}}\) \(\newcommand{\set}[1]{{\sc#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\mathvar}[1]{\var{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\mathpar}[1]{\param{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\half}{{\small{\frac{1}{2}}}}\)
21. Sequencing problems: the Traveling Salesperson Problem¶
A sequencing problem arises when the decision maker needs to choose the best ordering for a set of objects or in which sequence to perform a set of operations. The problem consists in determining a permutation among all feasible ones; to each permutation a cost is associated, and the problem, in its basic formulation, consists in the search for the least cost feasible permutation.
There exist various formulations for sequencing problems, the most common of which corresponds to the case where the cost of a permutations is given by the sum of costs associated to contiguous pairs in the sequence. To be more concrete, a typical sequencing problem is often encountered in transport logistics from where the model got the name of traveling salesperson, or TSP: a driver needs to visit a set of destinations. This situation arises, e.g., in parcel delivery or collection, or when some service tasks, like maintenance or gas meter reading, are to be performed in various locations. There are in general no capacity constraints; the only requirement is that every destination is visited once and, at the end of the tour, the driver returns to the starting base station. Thus the problem can be seen as that of sequencing the visits, in order to spend as little as possible in the overall travel. The total cost in this case is the sum of the cost incurred in moving from one destination node (or from the base station) to the following one in the sequence, or back to the base station when the tour is terminated.
This is perhaps one of the best known and most studied research problem in Operations Research. The interest in this problem arises both from the fact that it is a problem which is very simple to describe, but considerably complex to solve, and from the fact that the applications of the traveling salesperson problem are many and not limited to delivery or collection of goods.
A possible formalization of the problem can be obtained in the following way. Consider a directed graph whose nodes are cities (or customers) to be visited. We assume that the graph is complete, which means that there exists an arc connecting each pair of nodes. Sometimes this is not the case: in a road network, as an example, only some pairs of cities are connected directly by a road. In graphs which are not complete, a path which goes through each node once and only once might not exist:
It is evident that, in this figure, no path exists which, starting from node 0, goes through nodes 1-5 and back to 0 without passing more than once over a node. A path which satisfies this requirement would be called an Hamiltonian path. In some applications the constraint of not passing more than once through a node might be relaxed. In the traveling example, it is important to visit each location to deliver or collect parcels; however, it is not forbidden to pass again through an already visited node, on the way to a different destination. We may thus create a complete graph in which the arc between two nodes represents a shortest path between the nodes itself. In other words, a minimum cost path problem (see chapter Shortest (Minimum Cost) Path Problems) is repeatedly solved to find the least cost route from each node to each other node in the graph. Then, if the graph is connected, a complete graph can be defined in which arcs, representing optimal paths, connect each pair of nodes. In this graph it is always possible to find hamiltonian paths.
From now on, let us assume that the graph is complete, and that costs associated to each arc are non negative. In order to formulate the optimization problem we associate an indicator variable to each arc: \(\mathvar{\delta}_{ij}\). Constraints need to be defined in such a way that this variable is equal to 1 if and only if the route prescribes to visit node \(j\) immediately after having visited node \(i\). Assuming the constraints have been formulated, the objective function is simply written, exactly in the same way as in the minimum cost path problem:
In the above objective, \(E\) is the set of arcs in the graph. If nodes are denoted by \(V = \{0,1, \ldots, n\}\), then \(E = \{(i,j) \in V \times V : i \ne j\}\).
For what concerns the constraints, first observe that the tour must touch each node once; thus, referring to a network flow problem, the total flow in and out of each node should be equal to 1. That is, one and only one arc of a feasible tour will enter each node and one and only one arc will exit from it. In formulae:
It is easily recognized that the structure of these two groups of constraints is that of matching constraints (on a graph which, however, is not bipartite like in chapter Assignment or bi-partite matching). Generic (non bipartite) weighted matching problems are easily solvable, and efficient algorithms do exist (see, e.g., [Edmonds, 1965]). Unfortunately these constraints, although necessary for a feasible solution, are not sufficient to force the indicator variables to identify a single closed tour. The following example shows the situation:
In the figure, red arcs corresponds to arcs for which the indicator variable is 1. All matching constraints are satisfied by this solution, but it does not represent a feasible solution, as the proposed path is not a unique cycle. We thus need to introduce special purpose constraints to eliminate sub-tours from feasible solutions. A sub-tour is a closed circuit which does not contain the origin node.
21.1. Sub-tour elimination constraints¶
The first technique consists of labeling the nodes, i.e., assigning a new variable to each node. The idea is to assigns a variable to each node and, by means of suitable logical constraints, force the label assigned to a node to be strictly greater than that assigned to its direct predecessor along the path. Let us denote by \(\var{y}_i\) the variable associated to node \(i\). Then we would like to impose logical constraints:
Assume that a sub-tour \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_k, v_{k+1}=v_1\) exists in a solution. The logical constraints above would then imply:
which is impossible. Thus it has been proven that these logical constraints make any tour infeasible. However it should be recalled that a tour should be allowed, namely one which returns to the base station. So it is necessary to impose the logical constraints for each pair of nodes, provided that the second one is not the origin:
In practice, replacing the “strictly greater” constraint with \(\geq \var{y}_{i}+1\), the constraint becomes
To correctly formulate this constraint, we can proceed in the following way: if \(\mathvar{\delta}_{ij} = 1\) then the difference \(\var{y}_{j} - \var{y}_{i}\) must be greater than or equal to one (or to any other positive quantity). Otherwise, it is necessary to find a lower bound on the same difference in such a way that the generated constraint is redundant. If we fix, arbitrarily, \(\var{y}_0=0\), it can be observed that
Thus the logical constraint can be formulated as:
The addition of these constraints excludes the possibility of cycles not including node 0. We may also notice that it is not required to impose integrality constraints on the variables \(\var{y}\); in fact they might also be non integer, if necessary. In the above model, as the source is assigned label 0, the highest possible label is \(n\) and the increment is one, it turns out that in any feasible solution the values of variables \(\var{y}\) will be consecutive integers, i.e., a sequential numbering of the visited nodes.
In the following we give a formulation of the model, using the formulation just introduced:
set NODES ordered;
set ARCS := {(i,j) in NODES cross NODES: i != j};
param n := card(NODES) - 1;
param Source symbolic in NODES;
param Cost{ARCS}, default Infinity;
var delta{ARCS}, binary;
var y{NODES} >=0;
minimize Total_cost:
sum {(i,j) in ARCS} Cost[i,j] * delta[i,j];
s.t. input {j in NODES}:
sum {i in NODES: (i,j) in ARCS} delta[i,j] = 1;
s.t. output {i in NODES}:
sum {j in NODES: (i,j) in ARCS} delta[i,j] = 1;
s.t. labeling{(i,j) in ARCS: j != Source}:
y[j] - y[i] >= n * delta[i,j] + 1 - n;
An example of the execution of this model can be obtained, with the already used dataset Pistoia.dat, using the following script:
model tsp.mod;
param time{ARCS};
param distance{ARCS};
data Pistoia.dat;
let {(i,j) in ARCS} Cost[i,j] := time[i,j];
let Source := 'Pistoia';
option solver gurobi;
option omit_zero_rows 1;
option omit_zero_cols 1;
option gurobi_options 'cuts=3 presolve=2 logfreq=5 outlev=1';
display y;
which gives the following results:
Gurobi 9.1.1: cuts=3
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.1.1 build v9.1.1rc0 (linux64)
2 physical cores, 4 logical processors, using up to 4 threads
Optimize a model with 485 rows, 484 columns and 2247 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x7dea6626
Variable types: 22 continuous, 462 integer (462 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e+00, 2e+01]
Objective range [4e+00, 7e+01]
Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00]
RHS range [1e+00, 2e+01]
Presolve removed 21 rows and 1 columns
Presolve time: 0.03s
Presolved: 464 rows, 483 columns, 2184 nonzeros
Variable types: 21 continuous, 462 integer (462 binary)
Presolve removed 1 rows and 0 columns
Presolved: 463 rows, 483 columns, 2163 nonzeros
Root relaxation: objective 1.947098e+02, 53 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
0 0 194.70984 0 35 - 194.70984 - - 0s
0 0 221.88938 0 32 - 221.88938 - - 0s
0 0 221.96636 0 40 - 221.96636 - - 0s
0 0 221.96636 0 40 - 221.96636 - - 0s
0 0 222.93048 0 38 - 222.93048 - - 0s
0 0 222.93048 0 38 - 222.93048 - - 0s
0 0 225.78232 0 47 - 225.78232 - - 0s
H 0 0 276.9700000 225.78232 18.5% - 0s
0 0 226.06000 0 42 276.97000 226.06000 18.4% - 0s
0 0 227.05429 0 14 276.97000 227.05429 18.0% - 0s
0 0 227.21500 0 16 276.97000 227.21500 18.0% - 0s
0 0 227.21500 0 16 276.97000 227.21500 18.0% - 0s
0 2 227.48333 0 16 276.97000 227.48333 17.9% - 0s
H 29 32 271.3800000 227.48903 16.2% 11.8 0s
H 57 60 270.2100000 227.48903 15.8% 9.0 0s
H 86 89 260.9800000 227.48903 12.8% 7.3 0s
H 121 119 260.8100000 227.48903 12.8% 7.0 0s
* 319 257 38 255.9900000 228.17841 10.9% 8.3 0s
* 320 256 36 255.6400000 228.17841 10.7% 8.3 0s
* 497 274 13 248.0900000 228.73683 7.80% 8.0 0s
* 531 288 15 247.7700000 228.73683 7.68% 7.9 0s
H 753 367 245.8100000 229.38000 6.68% 8.6 0s
H 762 354 245.6500000 229.38000 6.62% 8.5 1s
* 1006 288 31 245.6400000 243.74131 0.77% 9.7 1s
Cutting planes:
Learned: 7
Gomory: 39
MIR: 6
StrongCG: 1
Flow cover: 30
Zero half: 24
Explored 1136 nodes (11161 simplex iterations) in 1.51 seconds
Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors)
Solution count 10: 245.64 245.65 245.81 ... 270.21
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 2.456400000000e+02, best bound 2.456400000000e+02, gap 0.0000%
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.1.1 build v9.1.1rc0 (linux64)
Thread count: 2 physical cores, 4 logical processors, using up to 4 threads
Optimize a model with 485 rows, 484 columns and 2247 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0xa0547d93
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e+00, 2e+01]
Objective range [4e+00, 7e+01]
Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00]
RHS range [1e+00, 2e+01]
Iteration Objective Primal Inf. Dual Inf. Time
0 2.4564000e+02 2.625000e+00 0.000000e+00 0s
21 2.4564000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0s
Solved in 21 iterations and 0.00 seconds
Optimal objective 2.456400000e+02
Gurobi 9.1.1: optimal solution; objective 245.64
11161 simplex iterations
1136 branch-and-cut nodes
plus 21 simplex iterations for intbasis
y [*] :=
Abetone 19 Marliana 16 Piteglio 17
Agliana 2 MassaCozzile 15 PonteBuggianese 10
Buggiano 12 MonsummanoTerme 6 Quarrata 3
ChiesinaUzzanese 11 Montale 1 SambucaPistoiese 21
Cutigliano 18 MontecatiniTerme 9 SanMarcelloPistoiese 20
Lamporecchio 4 Pescia 13 SerravallePistoiese 8
Larciano 5 PieveANievole 7 Uzzano 14
The following figure reports the optimal tour (based on estimated travel times):
Some comments are in order. First we can notice from the graph above that the path “crosses itself”, which is something which might be considered as negative at first sight. But it should be reminded that the arrows represented in the figure are not the actual path followed by the driver, but just are meant to represent the correct visit sequence. As an example, the apparent crossing close to Cutigliano is not real, as the best path San Marcello Pistoiese to Abetone and then Piteglio, goes through Cutigliano, and similarly for other apparent crossings.
Another observation is the speed by which this problem is solved. Indeed this is a small instance. However, the fact that, with this formulation, it was solved in a very short CPU time, is not due to the formulation, but to the advanced optimization software employed. The solver used in the example automatically adds a large number of cuts (valid inequalities) to improve the formulation, which, in itself, is very weak. If we used, e.g., the CBC solver, which is already a very advanced implementation, the same instance would be solved in 17 seconds, with over 150000 simplex iterations. In fact, the formulation just presented does not allow to solve problems of size, say, larger than 50. Different formulations will be introduced later in this chapter.
Although “weak” from the polyhedral point of view, the constraints just presented are important as they allow for the formulation of additional constraints, useful in many applications. In fact, in place of the unit increase of variable \(\var{y}_j\), an increase equal to, say, the travel time along arc \((i, j)\), or the sum of the time spent in node \(i\) plus the travel time on the arc. In this case, variable \(\var{y}_j\) would have the meaning of the arrival time at node \(j\). Having this variable in the model easily allows to insert temporal constraints like, e.g. requiring that a node must be visited in a specific time window, or requiring that a node is not visited before another one. An application of models of this kind can be considered, as an example, for the scheduling of home care visits to patients by a medical or nursing staff. In order to implement a model of this kind, the logical constraints need to be slightly modified. The lower bound on the difference of visit times of two consecutive nodes must be computed as a function of the travel and visit times. For example, we might assume that there are an earliest start and return times, denoted by \(\param{T_{\min}}, \param{T_{\max}}\). Assume furthermore that visiting a node requires \(\param{T}_i\) time units and that the travel time between two nodes is \(\param{T}_{ij}\). Then the logical constraint becomes
The TSP problem has been the subject of very intense research in all recent years; there exist many different formulations of the sub-tour elimination constraints (see, e.g., [Oncan et al., 2009] for a list of 24 different models). One of the best known formulations directly proceeds without the need for any additional labeling. Let \(\set{S}\) be any not empty subset of the set of nodes which does not coincide with the set of nodes: \(\set{S} \subset V, S \ne \emptyset\). In order to prevent any tour within the set \(\set{S}\) it is sufficient to require that at least one arc in the solution exits (or enters) this set. This can be done through the constraint:
Such a constraint should theoretically be imposed for each set of non empty subset of the set of nodes, with the exception of the whole set. However, it is easily seen that, for symmetry, imposing the constraint for a set is equivalent to imposing the same constraint to the complementary set, so that we can limit the set \(\set{S}\) to have a cardinality which is no more than one half the number of nodes. Moreover, when the set is a singleton, the constraint is already included in the model as an assignment constraint. Thus, the required sub-tour elimination constraints are:
Despite this reduction, the number of constraints to be added to the formulation is astronomical and grows exponentially fast as the size of the problem grows. The total number of constraints remains \(O(2^{|V|})\). It is therefore impossible to add all of these in a formulation of the problem. On the other hand it can be proven that these constraints are rather strong and their addition to the original formulation would lead to a model whose linear relaxation is quite good. A possibility, exploited in most recent implementations, is to dynamically insert only those inequalities which are violated in the solution of the current relaxation. This is done in an automatic way within so-called Branch & Cut implementations. The general idea is to solve an initial relaxation of the problem, and then calling a procedure which determines if there exists any of the sub-tour elimination constraints which is violated. If the current solution is binary, this task is quite easy, as it just requires to identify cycles in the current solutions: the nodes of any cycle which does not include the source node form a set \(\set{S}\) associated to a violated inequality which can be added to the formulation. More complex is the case in which the current solution is not binary: a separation procedure needs to be implemented which is capable of finding a violated inequality which cuts off the current solution. This topic is out of the scope of this volume. Just as an illustrative example, if in the example used before we drop the labeling constraints and just solve the relaxed problem with only the constraints requiring one unit flow in and out of each node, the following solution is obtained:
This solution, as it can be immediately seen, contains various sub-tours. Its total cost is 192.23, which is thus a lower bound on the optimal solution value. Adding to the formulation only the sub-tour elimination constraints associated to the 10 sub-tours in this solution, and solving the problem again, the following solution is found, which is again infeasible, but starts to get closer to a single tour:
This process can be continued and eventually the optimal solution is found; this happens well before having added all of the possible sub-tour elimination constraints which, in this example, would be slightly more than \(2\,000\).
The applications of the traveling salesman model are many. Obviously, the main application field is in transportation logistics, where the model can be applied to sequence deliveries, garbage collection, home care visits, … Problems connected with street cleaning or snow removal are only apparently similar: in this case it is required that each arc is visited at least once, while in the traveling salesperson each node is visited at least once. This problem will be shortly dealt with later on in chapter Arc routing.
Among the many applications, it is important to recall in particular those related to industrial production. It is quite common, in production, that some jobs can be worked on a machine, or a plant, in any arbitrary ordering, within, say, a single production period (a day, as an example). However, it is also frequently the case that after a job has been completed, before starting the next one some setup is needed, and production needs to be stopped. Frequently, this setup time depends both on the job just concluded and on the next one. Consider, as an example, a drilling machine: after drilling a hole in a plate, it is necessary to change the tool in order to drill holes of different sizes: this retooling requires a time which depends on the relative sizes of the two different tools to be mounted and dismounted from the machine. In a different environment, consider the problem of establishing the optimal sequence of surgical operations in an hospital: after an operation ends, and before the following one can start, some time is needed for sterilization and for changing the equipment in the operating room. These setup actions have a duration which might depend on the two surgeries involved. In these examples, the nodes to be “visited” are the different industrial or surgical operations; the arcs connect different operations which might be scheduled in sequence. The cost of each arc is the amount of time wasted in setup. The traveling salesperson solution allows us to find how to sequence all of the operations so that the total time spent in setup is minimized. This has great benefits in terms of productivity, in the first case, and, in the hospital case, allows the planner to save time on setup and have more time allowed for surgeries.
- application
Sequencing in industrial production
Consider the problem of sequencing operations in a machine used to color a material or in a textile loom where different colors are needed for each product. Assume a list of jobs ready to be processed is available, each characterized by a set of colors. The plant is organized in such a way that, when a job is finished and the next one has to be prepared to start, some colors need possibly to be changed. This change requires a setup time. If colors are liquid, it might be necessary to clean the containers and to fill them with a new color, or to extract the color container and insert a new one. In textile industries, color changes require dismounting a set of threads and substituting them with another set. In general, the time wasted in this operation depends on the number of colors changed. In painting, it might also depend on the colors themselves, as cleaning some colors from a container might require different times depending on the color type. In this latter case, the graph of the TSP is asymmetric. Consider as an example the case of coloring tissues in 4 colors, and assume that the jobs to be worked on a day are represented by the following figure:
In this figure the standard is to process jobs in the order given by reading the table from left to right. At the left of each job a number denotes the number of colors to be changed before that job begins. For the first job this number is 4, as, considering the last job, all of the colors need to be changed. The second job in this sequence has a setup cost 2, as it can be seen that from job 1 to job 2 only two colors have to be changed, while blue and brown can be left unchanged. It should be clear how to compute setup times for all pairs of jobs. Using this sequence, which was built using a lexicographic ordering of job colors, a total of 35 color changes is needed.
If we run the TSP model with the data corresponding to this job set, the following sequence of jobs is obtained:
This sequence requires only 24 color changes, with a saving of more than 30% of the setups.
In the examples we always assumed an initial state is known and that at the end of the tour, the same state needs to be restored. In the geographical TSP, the start city, or base station, is known and the tour should terminate in that node; in production or in surgery, we assume the initial setup is given and that at the end of the day the same setup needs to be restored. If this assumption were false, we could easily extend the model to include any start and end node, possibly different one from the other. If the initial node coincides with the final one, then clearly choosing any different starting node, the same tour will remain optimal. If instead we do not know the initial and final nodes, and they are different, we might insert a dummy node (a repository) connected to every other node in the graph (in both directions) with zero cost arcs.
This part on the TSP problem is necessarily too short, as this is one of the most deeply explored problems in Optimization and Operations Research. We hope we have given at least the feeling on how relevant this problem is and of how many practical problems can be profitably solved through a model like this one. We did not mention many other possibilities, like, e.g., organizing the tour of an automatic machine for the production of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) circuits: here the machine needs to place thousands of components on a chip, and the TSP tour could save a significant amount of time in moving the tool from one location to another one. A very large set of examples, software, historical notes on the TSP problem can be found in the Concorde web site [Cook, n.d.] which is devoted to the TSP problem and offers among the best software tools for the solution of large instances.
22. Vehicle Routing¶
This chapter is meant to very briefly introduce the subject of Vehicle Routing, without any presumption of being exhaustive. This problem, in fact, is the subject of very active research and it is difficult to summarize here all of the variants, models, applications. Just to give an idea, the problem deals with more than just sequencing a set of visits: the first complication is that more than one route has to be planned - a situation which arises, e.g., in good distribution services, where a company owns several trucks, possibly with different capacities, and would like to use them to serve all requests with the lowest possible cost. In addition to a multiple traveling salesperson problem, a bin-packing like model has to be formulated. It is important to say that even this first basic model has a very high computational complexity. The range of problems which can be solved through a mathematical optimization model with a standard general purpose solver is significantly more limited than those which might be solved as TSP ones. Moreover, already within this initial model, additional information is required: do all the trips consist of deliveries? Or there is some pick-up? In other words, does every truck start from a depot with full load and return to the depot after having delivered each parcel at a specific location, or are there location at which some parcel will be collected? And, if this is the case, where should those parcel be delivered? To another customer, or back to the depot? Let us assume here that all parcels are to be delivered, and no pick-up is required. Then a possible formulation of the problem might be the following one. Assume that a graph \(G=\langle V, E\rangle\) is given with \(V = \{0,1,\ldots,N\}\) being the set of nodes; node \(0\) refers to the depot from which we assume that all vehicles will start and eventually return. Denote by \(V_0 := V \setminus \{0\}\) the set of customers to be served. Let \(\var{\delta}\) be a binary flow variable representing the passage of a vehicle through each arc. If we denote by \(\param{c}_{ij}\) the cost associated to arc \((i,j)\), by \(\param{K}\) the available number of vehicles (which we assume here to be identical) and by \(\param{Q}\) the capacity of each vehicle and \(\param{q}_j\) the quantity to be delivered to a customer at node \(j\). The optimization problem can be stated as follows:
The logical constraint models the fact that in this problem, assumed to be a delivery one, each truck starts with full capacity from the depot and when it decides to visit a node \(j\), it must have enough residual load to be able to satisfy the demand of that node. Using the standard tools to transform a logical constraint into a linear one, we obtain:
This model is quite similar to the TSP model presented above, and it shares the defects of that model, namely the fact that the linear relaxation is quite weak. Many different formulations exist, most of which are based on binary variables with three indices \(\var{\delta}_{ijk}\) which assume the value \(1\) if and only if vehicle \(k\) travels on arc \((i,j)\).
The following code contains a possible implementation of the model and of an example, based on the same data seen before.
set NODES ordered;
set ARCS := {(i,j) in NODES cross NODES: i != j};
param Depot symbolic in NODES;
param Cost{ARCS}, default Infinity;
param Q; # capacity
param q{i in NODES: i != Depot};
param K; # num vehicles
var delta{ARCS}, binary;
var y{NODES} >=0;
minimize Total_cost:
sum {(i,j) in ARCS} Cost[i,j] * delta[i,j];
s.t. input {j in NODES: j != Depot}:
sum {i in NODES: (i,j) in ARCS} delta[i,j] = 1;
s.t. output {i in NODES: i != Depot}:
sum {j in NODES: (i,j) in ARCS} delta[i,j] = 1;
s.t. start:
sum{j in NODES: j != Depot} delta[Depot,j] == K;
s.t. labeling{(i,j) in ARCS: j != Depot}:
y[i] - y[j] >= (q[j] + Q) * delta[i,j] - Q ;
s.t. startlabel:
y[Depot] == Q;
param time{ARCS};
param distance{ARCS};
data Pistoia.dat;
let {(i,j) in ARCS} Cost[i,j] := time[i,j];
param Depot := "Pistoia";
param q:=
Abetone 10
Agliana 8
Buggiano 5
ChiesinaUzzanese 4
Cutigliano 4
Lamporecchio 2
Larciano 3
Marliana 1
MassaCozzile 1
MonsummanoTerme 8
Montale 6
MontecatiniTerme 12
Pescia 9
PieveANievole 6
Piteglio 1
PonteBuggianese 1
Quarrata 3
SambucaPistoiese 1
SanMarcelloPistoiese 1
SerravallePistoiese 1
Uzzano 4;
param K := 4;
param Q := 30;
and the optimal solution, computed for 4 trucks with capacity 30 each, is represented below.
We prefer not too go much into detail, as from one side the field is huge, and, from another one, very few exact models are really useful in even moderately sized problem instances. Most of the currently used approaches are based on heuristics; some of these heuristics exploit at least part of the formulation - thus modeling the problem is not a useless exercise. However the main problem is in the richness of different model types: one of the most frequently encountered variants includes time windows, e.g. lower and upper bounds on the time allowed for each visit and for the departure from and the return to the depot. Other variants include requirements on specific skills or capabilities, so that not all vehicles can serve all customers. Another one takes into account traffic limitations, like city centers in Europe where deliveries may occur only during a specific time window and/or require an additional payment. Other variants include priorities (some customers need to be served before others) or multiple visits to the same customer, but at different times of the day, or preferences which tend to assign the same driver (truck) to the same set of customers in different days; another complex variant concerns multiple day planning, with the additional complexity of having to decide on the possibility of not returning to the depot. And of course many models try to take into account the inherent stochasticity of travel times and of customer availability; recently models have been proposed for green or electric vehicle routing or even for drones. We refer the interested reader to the vast literature on this subject and we limit to a classical reference book [Vigo and Toth, 2014].
© Fabio Schoen 2024